By placing an order, you are agreeing to the Terms & Conditions set forth in this agreement.

  • I am not responsible for the eggs after they have been packaged & have left me. I take great care in packaging your order so that it will arrive to you safely and viable. I am not affiliated with the shipping company and anything that happens along the way is out of my control.

  • There is no guarantee of hatch rates. I test fertility monthly on each of my pens to ensure that they are ideal for hatching. However, we each have different climates/ambient humidity, incubators & methods of hatching. I recommend you trying your first time on inexpensive eggs & learning what works best for you, prior to diving into eggs that I consider an investment.

  • "Pre-Orders" allow you to place an order NOW- for a FUTURE delivery date which generates an order number & holds your place in line. We operate on a first come, first serve basis & the orders go out in the order received.

  • By making payment, you acknowledge that you have read & do hereby accept all terms and conditions contained in this Shipping Agreement.  Once you check out, you agree that this transaction is final. There are no returns or refunds.